Sunday, June 28, 2020

Number rhymes

We don't expect children to be writing numbers when they start school.  It is helpful if they can count to ten.  Nursery rhymes are a brilliant way to embed these and the BBC has a brilliant website of counting rhymes to support children. 

We say these little ditty's to children when they start to form the numbers and it can be helpful to say the rhymes to help them recognise their numerals to 9.

0 - Around and round and round we go, when we get home we have a zero.

1 - Start at the top and down we run, that's the way to make a one.

2 - Around and back along a railway track - two, two, two

3 - Around the tree and around the tree, that's the way to make a three.

4 - Down and over, down some more, that's the way we make a four.  

5 - Down and around, then a flag on high, that's the way to make a five.

(Although I prefer - Down and around with a big fat tum, number five has got his hat on)

6 - Down we go and make a loop, number six makes a hoop.

7 - Across the sky and down from heaven, that's the way we make a seven.

8 - Make an 's' and do not wait! when it's joined up you have an eight.

9 - Make a loop and then a line, that's the way to make a nine.

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